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Little Pine First Nation History

Adhesion by Cree Indians

Whereas, Min-a-he-quo-sis, or Little Pine, a Cree Chief, on behalf of his Band and certain other Cree Indians, comprising twenty lodges, inhabitants of the country covered by the treaty commonly known as “Treaty No. 6,” made between Her Majesty the Queen, by Her Commissioners, the Honourable Alexander Morris, the Honourable James McKay and the Honourable William Joseph Christie, of the one part;

And the Plain and Wood Cree Tribes of Indians of the other part, at Carlton, on the twenty-third and twenty-eighth days of August, and near Fort Pitt on the ninth day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, who have not yet given in their adhesion to the said treaty, have presented themselves to Edgar Dewdney, Esquire, Indian Commissioner for the North-west Territories, and expressed a desire to join in the said treaty. And whereas the said Commissioner has recognized the said “Little Pine” as the Headman of his Band, and the said Band of twenty lodges have selected and appointed Pap-a-way, “The Lucky Man,” one of their numbers as the Headman of their Band, and have presented him as such to the said Commissioner, who has recognized and accepted him as such Headman;


NOW, THIS INSTRUMENT WITNESSETH that the said “Little Pine” and Pap-a-way or “the Lucky Man,” for themselves and on behalf of the Bands which they represent, do transfer, surrender and relinquish to Her Majesty the Queen, Her heirs and successors, to and for the use of Her Government of the Dominion of Canada, all their right, title and interest whatsoever which they have held or enjoyed of, in and to the territory described and fully set out in the said treaty; also, all their right, title and interest whatsoever which they have held or enjoyed of, in and to the territory described and fully set out in the said treaty; also all their right, title and interest whatsoever to all other lands wherever situated, whether within the limits of any other treaty heretofore made or hereafter to be made with Indians or elsewhere in Her Majesty’s territories, to have and to hold the same unto and for the use of Her Majesty, the Queen, Her heirs and successors forever. And do hereby agree to accept the several benefits, payments and reserves promised to the Indians adhering to the said treaty at Carlton and Fort Pitt on the dates above mentioned; and further, do solemnly engage to abide by, carry out and fulfil all the stipulations, obligations and conditions contained on the part of the Indians therein named, to be observed and performed, and in all things to conform to the articles of the said treaty, as if the said “Little Pine” and Pap-a-way or “the Lucky Man,” and the Bands whom they represent had been originally contracting parties thereto, and had been present at the treaty at Carlton and Fort Pitt, and had there attached their signatures to the said treaty.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Edgar Dewdney, Indian Commissioner for the North-west Territories, and the said “Little Pine” and Pap-a-way or “the Lucky Man,” Headmen of the said Bands, hereby giving their adhesion to the said treaty, have hereunto subscribed and set their hands at Fort Walsh, in the said North-west Territories, this second day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine.

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Contact Us

Little Pine First Nation
PO Box 70, Paynton, SK
S0M 2J0
Office: 306-398-4942
Fax: 306-398-2377

Band Office Hours

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